We have to do a research paper about our birth month and year, who died inovember 1986 about important events that was born, there is something great sporting world affairs, and so on doot help and the Internet are only little things here and there, or if someone can take me a few other websites as a wikWe that information, it would be much, or even personal things you remember, help is on theews at the time. Thanks a lot I'm looking for things, butot enough to fill a 500-word paper. :) Thanks in advance

November 1986: SEC sets a record high of $ 100 million penalty against Ivan Boesky President Jean-Claude Duvalier fled HaitWe Here are two websites for you: www.brainyhistory.com www.infoplease.com Good luck with your project.
What are some major things that happened inovember 1986
What are some important things that happened inovember 1986