citylivingdc: Come see us at the Fells Point Festival this weekend in Baltimore. Our tent will be at the corner of Thames & Broadway. about 1 hour ago from web · Reply · View Tweet. Dsc03655_small_normal Archives. July 2009
Little Italy. The Little Italy Open Air Film Festival features (some)Italian-themed movies at the intersection of High and Stiles streets in Little Italy. Films are shown Fridays at 7 p.m.. * July 3, 2009 – Moonstruck Baltimores Fells Point. Baltimore's Fells Point. Fells Point. Films on the Pier features Wednesday night movies on Fells Point's Broadway Pier. Movies begin at 8:45 p.m., and the rain date is the next day. * July 1, 2009 – Ice Age * July 8 – Dark Knight
Upper Fells Point, 2BR, 1BA apt, W/D, CAC, dw, kitchen, living rm, gated fence, backyd, mins to JHH. 410-733-4622. 419 Chadford Rd (off Homeland Ave), 3BR, 2.5BA luxury TH in gated community, w/garage, swimming pool, 20 mins to JHH,